Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pirates of the Carribean - AT WITS END

This has to be one of the worst sequels that i have seen! I had been waiting for ONE year to see this mindless movie. I was crazy about the first , loved the second and now indifferent to the third.

The movie did not show any signs of picking up where it had left a year ago , and it was full of disconnected meaningless incidents.Too many characters to remember , irritating Kiera Knightly and a lost director and script writer! Even with all the jazz of high tech graphics and what not , I could not sit through the almost 3 hr movie .

The main reason for my wait to see the movie was Depp , but his role was hardly worth the almost 3 hr torture.I felt his role was minimalistic when compared to the 1st and 2nd parts.After the initial 20 min reel showing how they rescue him from Davy Jones locker , they movie completely loses track .I felt as if the makers have done some patch work and filled up the reel for the next 2 hrs. I sincerely hope they dont make a another sequel to this already pathetic one!

A big disappointment for Pirates Fans!

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